


Demonstrating Unicast in ROS2 on two docker containers with CycloneDDS

Introduction In other articles I have shown how to configure a virtual machine to talk over cycloneDDS using unicast rather than the default multicast.

Installing and Configuring the default ROS Environment

This is not necessary if you will be creating your own custom workspace

03-Install and Setup rclone

Install rclone sudo apt install -y curl curl https://rclone.org/install.sh | sudo bash If you have a previous config for rclone, it should be encrypted before backing up.

Configuring ROS2 over a Tailscale VPN on Ubuntu

Prerequisites This tutorial assumes you have already installed ROS2 on a PC, Raspberry pi, or virtual machine running Ubuntu.

Navigating the Ros Filesystem (optional)

From here #sudo apt-get install ros-<distro>-ros-tutorials sudo apt-get install ros-melodic-ros-tutorials #rospack find [package_name] rospack find roscpp #roscd [locationname[/subdir]] roscd roscpp #print the working directory using the Unix command pwd #To see what is in your ROS_PACKAGE_PATH, type: echo $ROS_PACKAGE_PATH #roscd can also move to a subdirectory of a package or stack.

Install Common Tools

This assumes you installed a “minimal” version of Ubuntu apt packages first Update your software first

Installing, Running, and Using RosBridge

Introduction This section describes installing RosBridge, which is useful for communicating to devices which do not have ROS installed (like windows machines with custom drivers)

05-Conda Install

Install Latest Anaconda / Miniconda Windows Linux 64-bit Miniconda 64-bit Miniconda Linux Install cd ~/Downloads wget https://repo.

05-general python install

Install Latest Anaconda / Miniconda sudo apt install git python3-pip python3.

06-Install and Setup git

Git Git is the command line program for interacting with a git repository