


Using Python in a Docker Container

Introduction This tutorial makes it possible to spin up a container with everything you need to run Python in a Jupyter notebook.

using ssh inside docker

Introduction This article shows the following: How to create a custom user in a dockerfile how to setup ssh for easy login how to set up ssh for use with a physical network, even one through a wifi NIC (which has historically been harder) Folder structure .

using wine

sudo apt update sudo apt install -y wine64 sudo apt install wine64-development wine64-tools wine64-preloader sudo apt install wine winetricks from here

Working with pdfs from the command line

Merge pdfs from Bash sudo apt install pdftk pdftk file1.pdf file2.

Working with topics

rostopic list ros2 topic info /myrobot/sensor1 ros2 topic info -v /myrobot/sensor1 ros2 topic echo /myrobot/sensor1 ros2 interface show std_msgs/msg/Int32 ros2 topic pub /myrobot/blink_led std_msgs/msg/Int32 "{data: 1}"

ZFS info

https://illumos.org/books/zfs-admin/ https://blog.victormendonca.com/2020/11/03/zfs-for-dummies/ https://www.willhaley.com/blog/zfs-cheat-sheet/ sudo apt install -y zfsutils-linux sudo fdisk -l lsblk lsblk -f permission sudo zfs allow -u danaukes receive,create,send,hold,share,snapshot,mount storage sudo zfs allow -u danaukes receive,create,send,hold,share,snapshot,mount coldstorage sudo zfs allow -u danaukes receive,create,send,hold,share,snapshot,mount coldstorage/nas pools sudo zpool create -f storage mirror /dev/sdb /dev/sdc sudo zpool create -f coldstorage mirror /dev/sda /dev/sde sudo zpool create -f coldstorage mirror /dev/sda /dev/sdb zpool status zpool status -v zpool list sudo zpool destroy <pool-name> sudo zpool mount coldstorage sudo zpool unmount coldstorage sudo zpool online coldstorage sudo zpool offline coldstorage sudo zpool detatch coldstarge /dev/sdb1 sudo zpool replace -f coldstorage 11380073923137715223 /dev/sdb import / export sudo zpool export coldstorage sudo zpool import coldstorage -d /dev/ filesystems https://docs.