


Setting up OptiTrack

Links http://wiki.ros.org/mocap_optitrack Install sudo apt install ros-melodic-mocap-optitrack Create a rigid body and ensure it is being transmitted from Motiv Edit mocap.

Setup Samba from Bash

Make your folder mkdir ~/happy chmod 0700 ~/happy Set up samba sudo apt install samba sudo nano /etc/samba/smb.

Simple Netplan Config

Example update enp0s3 to match your ethernet interface update ip4 address to match an available address

Start docker automatically as a systemd service

Docker Compose Example copy and paste the folowing text into a new file called ~/script.

Start Virtualbox as a Service in Linux

sudo apt reinstall virtualbox-dkms virtualbox-ext-pack virtualbox-qt virtualbox sudo nano /etc/default/virtualbox VBOXAUTOSTART_DB=/etc/vbox VBOXAUTOSTART_CONFIG=/etc/vbox/autostartvm.

Start VirtualBox VM as a Service

Steps Ensure you are a member of vboxusers group sudo usermod -a -G vboxusers $USER Create a script cat <<EOT > vbox_vm_start@.

Too Many Authentication Failures?

Received disconnect from ########## port 22:2: Too many authentication failures Add the IdentitiesOnly option to your config file

Ubuntu Prep

In ubuntu Check that you are a member of the following groups

Using Github with two accounts

Instructions Create a new, separate key for each github account