


Using the find command in bash

Using the find command in bash Find all files below the current directory that match “tecmint.

Virtualbox Setup (optional)

Introduction This section discusses how to prepare a virtual machine for installing ROS.

Installing ROS2 on a Raspberry Pi

Flashing Make sure you add your ssh key during flashing setup wifi define a hostname Tailscale turn on magicdns sudo tailscale set –operator=$USER -accept-dns=true –accept-routes=true Installing It’s important to disable automatic updates as you should initiate it according to your own availability.


Things you will need ssh public key configuration backup file gpg key First, update apt sudo apt update #save this for the end # sudo apt upgrade -y If a Virtual machine make sure you are a member of the vboxusers and vboxsf groups ^[https://www.

Setting up Git

git config –global "" git config –global "Dan Aukes" Update git roscd thorlabs_linear_actuator/ git status git add -A git commit -m="<INSERT YOUR MESSAGE HERE>" git push # supply username and pw

IDEAlab ROS prerequisites

#update repository sudo apt update #visual package manager sudo apt install -y synaptic #ssh access sudo apt install -y openssh-server #python editor sudo apt install -y spyder3 #ifconfig command and other networking tools sudo apt install net-tools #misc sudo apt install -y curl #python packages sudo apt install -y python3-serial python3-pip

Install Tailscale

for raspberry pi sudo apt install curl -y general installation https://pkgs.

02-Import Keys

Install and Setup Install gnupg, nautilus integration (seahorse), and restart nautilus

Demonstrating Unicast in ROS2 on virtual machines over a local network using CycloneDDS

Switching from ROS2’s multicast default to unicast can be a bit tricky, especially if you’re testing.