


Linux / Bash Cheatsheet

Collected commands, tips, and tricks for working headless in Ubuntu


Introduction The purpose of this project is to document our implementation of ROS and teach lab members how to use it for a number of purposes specific to the activities of a robotics lab like the IDEAlab.

SSH General Reference

The most useful SSH-specific commands

GPG Reference

List gpg keys gpg –list-keys gpg –list-secret-keys prints out ids

Installing ROS2 Humble on two Virtualbox VMs

Introduction How do you get a ROS2 system up and running on a virtual machine, and participating on your local network as if it were a real pc?

01-Installation Notes

Introduction These notes are from memory, so they may be out of order.

Disabling Password-based SSH

Settings for hardening ssh on Ubuntu

Grep Cookbook

Using grep by itself search for “searchtext”, ignoring case, ignoring binary files, recurisvely search, with line numbers, in this folder.

Install Docker

From here Install and test sudo apt remove docker containerd runc sudo apt remove docker* sudo apt-get install ca-certificates curl sudo install -m 0755 -d /etc/apt/keyrings sudo curl -fsSL https://download.

Remote Unlock your LUKS-encrypted Hard Drive

Updated for Ubuntu 22.04 Install Software sudo apt update sudo apt -y upgrade sudo apt install -y busybox dropbear* Create and add key