
Measuring Speed Between Computers

sudo apt install -y iperf computer 1: iperf -s Computer 2:

quick scripts for openscad

color("red",1) import("path/to/your-part.stl"); flatpak run org.openscad.OpenSCAD -o test.png –projection orthogonal test.scad with camera orientation but no scaling

Rsync Quickref

quick recipes Local rsync -haviP –inplace –delete-before –no-compress /storage/nas/photos /media/danaukes/extreme-ssd/ rsync -haviP –inplace –delete-before –no-compress –exclude-from="/home/danaukes/code/code_scripts/rsync_ignore.

Shell Script Examples

How to find the directory of the script #!/bin/bash MY_PATH="dirname \"$0\"" $MY_PATH/relative/path/to/other/file pass arguments on to another script

Start docker automatically as a systemd service

Docker Compose Example copy and paste the folowing text into a new file called ~/script.

Start Virtualbox as a Service in Linux

sudo apt reinstall virtualbox-dkms virtualbox-ext-pack virtualbox-qt virtualbox sudo nano /etc/default/virtualbox VBOXAUTOSTART_DB=/etc/vbox VBOXAUTOSTART_CONFIG=/etc/vbox/autostartvm.

Tailscale Details

from here about exit nodes and subnets IP Forwarding echo 'net.

Using Github with two accounts

Instructions Create a new, separate key for each github account

VSCode Setup and Usage

Installation Download from here Installation Options Accept the default installation path keep “Register Code as an editor for supported file types” checked keep “Add to PATH” checked other options: set to your preference Ubuntu-specific cd ~/Downloads sudo dpkg -i code_1.