Pizza Crust

Modified from


  • 3 cups Flour
  • 2 cups Water
  • 2 rounded tsp / 1 packet yeast
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • 1 tbsp sugar


  1. Heat one cup of water to 110-120 deg F (usually ~30 seconds in the microwave)
  2. Add sugar and yeast; stir and set aside for 10 minutes to proof
  3. Mix flour and salt in a big metal bowl
  4. After ten minutes, if the yeast has become frothy, add it and one more cup water to the flour mixture
  5. Stir with a mixer for ~10 minutes. The dough will start wet, but as you mix it it will begin to climb the mixer and pull away from the sides and bottom. It is ready when it pulls away from the bottom as you mix it.
  6. Transfer to another big bowl coated in oil. Cover with a wet cloth or paper towel and let set for ~1 hour, or until it has roughly tripled in size.
  7. Once it has risen, pull balls of dough out, flatten, stretch, and top as needed
  8. Cook in a hot oven (the hotter the better, 500-600 works well) or grill for ~10 minutes. Pizza will be ready if the center is no longer doughy and the edges are browned but not charred.