Windows | Linux |
64-bit Miniconda | 64-bit Miniconda |
cd ~/Downloads
cd ~/
source ~/.bashrc
mkdir ~/anaconda3
mkdir ~/anaconda3/bin
ln -s ~/miniconda3/bin/python ~/anaconda3/bin/python
echo "alias python=python3" >> .bashrc
Set powershell-specific security settings
Set-ExecutionPolicy remotesigned
conda init powershell
Other security options (may break conda script)
#Set-ExecutionPolicy AllSigned
Update Conda
conda update -y -n base conda
If you’ve installed miniconda only and realize you want the full anaconda pipeline
conda install -y anaconda
conda install -y django pyqtgraph pyopengl gitpython pycairo shapely
conda install -y -c conda-forge scikit-fem vispy
#conda install -y pandoc #the version of pandoc shipped by conda is old.
#conda install -y paramiko pycrypto requests[socks]
python -m pip install --upgrade pip
pip install meshio ezdxf twine pypdf pypdf4 service_identity ftd2xx pygithub paho-mqtt scp euclid3 pysolar ntplib pdf2image stem \
fake_useragent PyMuPDF pygame pysftp pyserial cma ladybug-geometry-polyskel thonny pyexiftool xlsxgrep yt-dlp microdot \
mkdocs mkdocs-material mkdocs-glightbox mkdocs-rss-plugin python-slugify \
pandoc-fignos pandoc-eqnos pandoc-crossref h5py
pip install git+
pip3 install --force-reinstall --no-cache-dir git+
according to here, until the PR is merged, do the above.
the pip version of gmsh has issues on ubuntu, so use apt to install
#pip install gmsh
pip install pygmsh
pip install pandoc-citeproc
#deprecated, not available
sudo apt install -y pandoc-citeproc
sudo apt install -y build-essential
pip install esptool
#pip install spectrum pybullet roslibpy # not used
conda update -y --all
add this to .bashrc
export QT_QPA_PLATFORM=“xcb”
To install chrono, you must make a different environment, as it conflicts with some of the packages here.
sudo apt install -y libirrlicht-dev
conda create -n chrono
conda activate chrono
conda install pip
conda install -y -c projectchrono/label/develop pychrono
conda install -y spyder numpy matplotlib scipy
conda install -c dlr-sc pythonocc-core #permits you to use python-occ to generate some geometry
conda install -y -c projectchrono pychrono # to install the stable install
conda install -y -c conda-forge irrlicht # not sure it's needed
#python -m pip install docutils pygments pypiwin32 kivy.deps.sdl2 kivy.deps.glew
#python -m pip install kivy.deps.gstreamer
conda install opencv
pip install
#pip install smtplib pygraphviz
Useful older package for making executables. Old instructions
go to cx_freeze mod
python install
conda create -y -n debug python=3.5 spyder=3.1.4
activate debug
conda update conda
conda install pip
conda install -y menuinst
conda install -y ipykernel=4.8 cython mkl imageio jinja2 jupyter lxml matplotlib networkx numpy pandoc pillow pyflakes pyqt pyyaml ruamel_yaml scipy setuptools sphinx spyder sympy tornado
conda install -y django paramiko pyqtgraph pyopengl gitpython pycairo
#conda install -y -c conda-forge shapely
conda install -y shapely
conda install -y -c conda-forge -c dlr-sc -c pythonocc -c oce pythonocc-core
python -m pip install --upgrade pip
pip install meshio pygmsh ezdxf twine pypdf4
#python -m pip install docutils pygments pypiwin32 kivy.deps.sdl2 kivy.deps.glew
#python -m pip install kivy.deps.gstreamer
# go to cx_freeze mod
python install
conda update -y --all
#stuff required for pydevtools
conda install pycrypto opencv requests pyserial
pip install ntplib pygame pygraphviz pysftp smtplib
conda create -y -n occ python ipykernel=4.8 matplotlib numpy pyqt pyyaml spyder
activate occ
conda install pip
conda install -y -c conda-forge -c dlr-sc -c pythonocc -c oce pythonocc-core
conda install -y ipykernel=4.8 matplotlib numpy pyqt pyyaml spyder
conda update -y -n base conda
conda update -y --all
conda create -n opencv python=3.7
conda activate opencv
conda install pip
conda install spyder opencv pyopencv
pip install imutils
conda install -c conda-forge scikit-geometry poppler
conda install projectchrono/label/develop::pychrono
Just for servers, no research code running
cd ~/Downloads
cd ~/
source ~/.bashrc
conda update -y -n base conda
conda install -y pip gitpython requests[socks] pyyaml
python -m pip install --upgrade pip
pip install twine service_identity pygithub scp pysftp
mkdir ~/anaconda3
mkdir ~/anaconda3/bin
ln -s ~/miniconda3/bin/python ~/anaconda3/bin/python