


Python / Conda Intro

Python Python Installing Anaconda Packages 64-bit Linux Libraries Numpy Scipy Matplotlib Sympy Pandas Jupyter Other Notable Packages subprocess multiprocessing yaml opencv pytorch pyqt pyqtgraph pyserial Conda conda list Conda Environments Create, List, and Destroy conda create –name <env name> conda info –envs conda remove –name <env name> –all conda activate <env name> conda deactivate conda activate <env name> conda env export > environment.

quick scripts for openscad

color("red",1) import("path/to/your-part.stl"); flatpak run org.openscad.OpenSCAD -o test.png –projection orthogonal test.scad with camera orientation but no scaling

RDP to another computer

Derived from here sudo apt update sudo apt install xrdp sudo systemctl enable –now xrdp sudo ufw allow from any to any port 3389 proto tcp sudo service xrdp enable sudo service xrdp start open remmina

Removing Snap from Ubuntu

This is useful for stalled updates when installing ubuntu-desktop-minimal on a server.

Rsync Quickref

quick recipes Local rsync -haviP –inplace –delete-before –no-compress /storage/nas/photos /media/danaukes/extreme-ssd/ rsync -haviP –inplace –delete-before –no-compress –exclude-from="/home/danaukes/code/code_scripts/rsync_ignore.

Running Ros2 on an ESP32

Virtualbox guest master setup create a virtual machine Networking: Select bridged networking install ubuntu 22.

Setup Samba from Bash

Make your folder mkdir ~/happy chmod 0700 ~/happy Set up samba sudo apt install samba sudo nano /etc/samba/smb.