lspci -k
sudo libinput --list-devices
sudo dmidecode
sudo dmidecode -t0 # BIOS
sudo dmidecode -t1 # System
sudo dmidecode -t2 # Board
sudo dmidecode -t3 # Enclosure or Chassis
sudo dmidecode -t4 # Processor
sudo dmidecode -t1 # System
list disks with lsblk
lsblk -f #list filesystem details
lsblk -t #show topology
lsblk -i # use ascii
lsblk -o NAME,UUID # show specific columns
sudo lshw -class disk
sudo fdisk -l
sudo hwinfo --disk
ls -l /dev/disk/by-path
ls -l /dev/disk/by-id
get drive information:
sudo hdparm -I /dev/sda
if you have an NVMe device…
sudo apt install -y nvme-cli
nvme list
#sudo nvme smart-log <node_name>
sudo nvme smart-log /dev/nvme0n1
sudo nvme id-ctrl /dev/nvme0n1
##list disks
sudo fdisk -l
#if you know the disk you want info about:
sudo fdisk -l /dev/sdd
sudo mount /dev/sdd1 /media/backup
# unmount
sudo umount /media/backup
# unmount all
sudo umount -a
# force unmount
sudo umount -f /media/backup
you can get most information from lsblk if you have temporarily mounted it…
#UUID=<yourUUID> <mount_location> <filesystem> <options> <dump(use 0)> <order(use 2)>
UUID=24df9215-550f-4ca0-a9f1-8f0efd2 /media/backup ext4 defaults 0 2
once you have edited, check by running
mount -a
du -sh /path/to/my/dir
list directories, one level only
du -h --max-depth 1 /path/to/my/dir
df -H
check out dd
sudo fdisk -l /dev/sdb
sudo dd if=/dev/sda of=~/sda.dd bs=128k status=progress conv=noerror,sync
sudo dd if=/dev/sda bs=128k status=progress conv=noerror,sync | gzip -c > /sda.gz
sudo dd if=/dev/sda of=/media/danaukes/24df9215-550f-4ca0-a9f1-8f0d666befd2/sda.dd bs=128k status=progress conv=noerror,sync
you can add hard drive space to augment RAM. This is usually set up when you install ubuntu, but it can be changed.
Turn off existing swap processes
sudo swapoff -a
Resize swap
#sudo fallocate -l <swapsize> /swap.img
sudo fallocate -l 1G /swap.img
you can use whatever size you want in place of 1G
if that doesn’t work, use
sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/swap.img bs=1M count=4096
ensure swap has the right permissions
sudo chmod 600 /swap.img
pass the new swapfile to swap
sudo mkswap /swap.img
Activate the swap file
swapon /swap.img
check /etc/fstab, and ensure it has this line:
/swap.img none swap sw 0 0
verify your swap size:
free -h
sudo apt install -y cu
cu -l /dev/ttyACM0 -s 9600
To exit enter tilde dot (~.)
sudo apt install -y screen
screen /dev/ttyACM0 9600
These widely used commands can be used to list and learn about connected USB devices in Linux.
dmesg | less
dmesg | grep ttyUSB
sudo blkid.
sudo fdisk -l
list the device tree to get port:device
lsusb -t
list all the details about a device at port 1: device 3
lsusb -v -s 1:3