Running Ros on a Raspbery Pi 4 with Raspberry Pi OS


Installing ROS on a Raspberry Pi 4 is difficult because, though the ubuntu images seem good to go, I experienced unknown problems setting up a headless install of ubuntu 18. Ubuntu 20.04 worked eventually, but initial startup took over 5 minutes for the device to show up on my network. Plus I was interested in installing ros melodic, which is built for ubuntu 18. So here are the steps I used. I installed raspbian buster and compiled ros from scratch.


  1. Download the Raspberry Pi Imager:

    Alternate imagers:

  2. Download an Image: I used the lite version and then added packages as needed

  3. Install raspbian using the instructions for a headless install located here:

    Alternate instructions:

  4. Make sure you follow the instructions below for setting up wireless & ssh

    Other information:

  5. Find the Pi on your network (in linux). You can use a virtual machine to do this

    sudo apt install -y net-tools nmap
    arp -na
    nmap -sn 10.0.0.*

    Note the IP address

  6. log on using putty

  7. Define a static IP address (derived from here)

    1. edit dhcpcd.conf

      sudo nano /etc/dhcpcd.conf
    2. uncomment out lines for static ip/subnet and router and define them to what you need.

    3. Restart

      sudo reboot

    Alternate Instructions(I didn’t use):

  8. install xrdp (using this tutorial):

  9. install gedit

    sudo apt install gedit
  10. Install ROS using this tutorial

    Alternate Instructions(didn’t use):

  11. change password for user pi

  12. Set up camera using this tutorial

Note: This section may be outdated. Please see this section about libcamera

1. install other packages for viewing and programming

    sudo apt install gpicview vlc thonny
    pip3 install picamera

1. After installing picamera there may be a warning.  use the next lines to fix:

    echo "export PATH=\$PATH:/home/pi/.local/bin" >> ~/.bashrc
    source ~/.bashrc
  1. install opencv using this tutorial


    • I used option 4a
    • I didn’t use virtualenv…space reasons.
    • use sudo pip3 install instead of pip install to install in python3
  2. install other necessary packages

    sudo apt install -y libilmbase-dev libopenexr-dev libgstreamer1.0-dev
  3. clone raspicam node

    git clone
  4. not sure these packages are needed:

    sudo apt install python3-catkin-pkg
    sudo apt install python3-rosdep python3-rosinstall python3-rosinstall-generator python3-wstool build-essential
    sudo apt-get install python3-empy
  5. update ros install with joystick and compressed image transport packages, following instructions here:

    and using

    rosinstall_generator ros_comm joystick_drivers compressed_image_transport camera_info_manager dynamic_reconfigure diagnostic_updater cv_bridge --rosdistro melodic --deps --wet-only --tar > melodic-custom_ros.rosinstall
  6. Add idealab ros workspace: (see other tutorial)

  7. checkout rpi4 branch

    git checkout rpi4
  8. (Mental Note) cloned and copied raspicam_node into code_idealab_ros/src (don’t do, already done)

    1. Make projects

      cd ~/code/code_idealab_ros
  9. optional: change ros master uri to remote. Only necessary if you want the raspberry pi to work within a bigger ros network. Modify ip addresses to match desired network topology

    echo "export MY_MASTER_IP=" >> .bashrc
    echo "export MY_IP=" >> .bashrc
    echo "export ROS_MASTER_URI=http://\$MY_MASTER_IP:11311" >> .bashrc
    echo "export ROS_IP=\$MY_IP" >> .bashrc
    source .bashrc
  10. Run Roslaunchp (modified from here

    #roslaunch raspicam_node camerav2_1280x720.launch
    #roslaunch raspicam_node camerav2_410x308_30fps.launch
    roslaunch raspicam_node dan_cam1.launch
  11. on the host:

    1. in one terminal:

    2. in a second terminal:

      rosrun rqt_image_view rqt_image_view